Dental implants
We have been placing dental implants at the practice now for some years and have been very pleased with the results.
We use the Neoss system which has been tried and tested for over 20 years.
If this is something that you are interested in, then initially we will arrange for you to have a CBCT scan of the area to establish how much bone is present to place an implant.
If all is good then we will manufacture a surgical guide to help us place the implant.
The implant is then placed under local anaesthetic at the practice and reviewed after 2 weeks to check healing and to remove the sutures.
Normally it takes 16 weeks to allow for the bone to adhere to the implant surface and in that time the implant is covered with a healing cap.
After this time if all has healed well then we arrange for a crown to made and this is then finally screwed or cemented over the implant.
Photos are taken throughout.